Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est"

"For knowledge itself is power. ." ~ Francis Bacon (1597)

I discovered this video from, Angela Maiers , on her "Teacher Inspiration" page. It was orginally posted on John Castillo's blog. Read what Sandra Fivecoat says about the video in her post "Information/Deformation - Why Teachers Matter."

It presents a disturbing truth about knowledge (or lack of knowledge) today. Do we actually read the information we see online everyday? And if we are reading it, do we process the meaning it holds for us? The question becomes, what will we do with the vast amount of information available with the "click" of a mouse? Will we use it to become empowered, or knowledgeable? Or will we ignore learning, and see as did before our world became flat?

"Knowledge is itself power," And with knowledge comes long can we ignore the power of knowledge?

'til next powerful,


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